Activity 1 : Earth+ Business Workshops and Relocations
The first activity of Earth+
Outcomes :
- New Skilled Jobs
- New residents
- Reverse urbanisation
- New jobs: create social & economic value
- Choice: Islanders have more opportunities to decide if they wish to stay or return from abroad
- Resilience: technology jobs are economically more durable compared to Tourism and Agriculture
- Inward investment: more residents & increased spending in terms B2B Tourism
Beneficiaries :
- Islanders looking for skilled jobs
- Local Economy
- The visiting businesses
- Local business via B2B
Activity 2 : Rural Hubs For Work and Social Activities
Using data from the “Smart Villages Pilot Project 2020” and key ENRD findings, a central location and focal point has many social and economic advantages.
Outcomes :
- Creation of places for: work, social services, commerce and cultural events
- Reverse Urbanisation/Migration
- Desirable locations for work & leisure allows islanders to return from abroad
- New residents would find this type of Infrastructure, connectivity and community desirable
- Central locations make it easier to locate social services in rural areas
- Commerce: B2B and B2C- a place to buy and sell goods – Helping the Kilometre Zero policy
Beneficiaries :
- Digital Workers
- Arts and crafts workers
- Companies from the mainland looking to locate workers in La Palma
- Islanders currently abroad looking for infrastructure to return home
- Islanders- a central place to avail of social services, buy and sell goods, community and work
Activity 3 : Create Smart Rural Communities
Using the Local Action Groups and the LEADER methodology : solving ecological and social problems starts with a strong community and at home
Outcomes :
- Local Action Groups
- Attractive communities and homes
- New residents attracted to live here
- Reverse urbanisation
- Enchached Community
- Social Innovation and group problems solving initiatives
- Resolution of social and ecological issues
Beneficiaries :
- Islanders
- Incoming residents
- The community
- The Earth and its ecosystem
- Other communities in the Smart Village Network